Elaine Youngs

Elaine Youngs made her WPVA debut at the 1997 Dallas Open, playing with Liz Masakayan. They took third place. She had played in European in-door leagues, and on the 4-woman tour in 1993-94.

Elaine reteamed with Liz Masakayan to try for the 2000 Olympics. They came heart-breakingly close. They took first place in the last FIVB event before Sydney (in Dalian, China), beating the team of Misty May and Holly McPeak in the finals. But because of the way the qualification points are accumulated, the second place finish put May & McPeak ahead of Masakayan & Youngs for the Olympics.

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AVP Chicago 1999 (1024x768)

Elaine Youngs dives for the ball. BVA, Oceanside (2000).
Elaine Youngs passing; Irving, TX (1997) [80 kb]
Elaine Youngs digging; Irving, TX (1997) [85 kb]

More info: Elaine Youngs@WPVA or Elaine Youngs@Volleyball Worldwide.
Last updated: 30 march 1998