G. Wilhelm Meyer's
certificate, which I have inherited, reads as follows:
Meyer, Georg Wilhelm ehelichen Sohn des Dahiesigen Unterthanen und
Schuhmacher-meisters Georg Adam Meyer und seiner verstorben
Ehegattin Johanna Margarata geb. Christ, ist dahin geboren am
27 Februar 1826 /ein tausend acht hundert sechsundzwanzig/.
Dießattestiet demselben auf den Grund hiesigen Geburtsregister.
Moenchsroth am 6 Novbr. 1842.
Königliches Pfarramt.
This translates as:
Meyer, Georg Wilhelm, legitimate son of the local subject and master
shoemaker Georg Adam Meyer and his late wife Johanna Margarata nee
Christ, was born here on 27 February 1826 /one thousand eight hundred
This was attested to on the basis of the local birth register.
Moenchsroth on 6 November 1842.
Royal Church Official,
I also have G. Wilhelm Meyer's certificate showing his promotion
from apprentice to journeyman.
It has a 15 kreutzer stamp. This is a preprinted form with
blanks filled in with the particulars.
Dem Georg Wilhelm Meyer Sohn des Schuhmacher Gg. Adam Meyer
zu Mönchsroth wird Kraft dieses öffentlich ausgestellten
Briefes bezeugt daß derselbe mit Genehmigung der polizeilichen
Obrigkeit am
Januar des Jahre 1845 als Lehrling des
Schlosserhandwerks ordnungmaßig eingeschrieben worden,
und bei Friedrich Holz dahin des Schlossergewerbe mit
Fleiß und Pünktlichkeit erlernt auch eine untadelhaste
Rufführ[un]g gepflagen habe.
Es ist daher oben bemerkte Georg Wilhelm Meyer nachdem
derselbe die vorgeschriebene Prüfung erstanden hat
unter dem
Dezember 1846 von der Lehre frei
und zum Gesellen gesprochen worden.
Vereins-Kommisar Hennog [?]
Vereins-Vorsteher Carl Knaemer [?]
Lehrmeister Friedrich (?) Holtz
Vorgemerkt in dem Verzeichnißen der Lehrlinge und der Lehrbriefe.
Dinkelsbühl den
Februar 1847.
Der Stadtmagistrat Ney [?]
Although the name of his teacher-master is spelled "Holz" in the
body of the document, it looks like "Holtz" in the signature.
There also appears to be another name that I cannot decipher.
The translation:
Apprentice Certificate
Georg Wilhelm Meyer, son of the shoemaker Gg. Adam Meyer
of Moenchsroth, upon the authority of this publicly issued document
attested that this person, with permission of the police
authority on the
of January in the year 1845 became
duly enrolled as an apprentice of the
mechanics craft, and that from Friedrich Holz
he has learned the mechanic's trade, with diligence and punctuality,
and also has maintained a blameless reputation.
Therefore, the above-named Georg Wilhelm Meyer, after the
prescribed examination, was released from his apprenticeship
and promoted to journeyman on the
December 1846.
Kommisar Hennog [?]
Association chief Carl Knaemer
Apprentice-master Friedrich (?) Holtz
Noted in the records of apprentices and their
February 1847.
City Magistrate Ney [?]
John Bartelt